Spring Cleaning for Your Head

Apr 16, 2019

Spring is the time for rebirth – flowers bloom and animals give birth. For human beings, spring is the time to free ourselves of the winter gloom. It’s a time to recreate ourselves for the exciting new year ahead, a time to do some personal house cleaning, to free ourselves of any and all unnecessary carryovers from last year. A good time to challenge ourselves to get rid of all the useless things that don’t fit or work for us anymore, that clutter our closets and that are as obstacles to success.

“I didn’t know I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do the things I wanted.”
– Frederick Douglass

Spring a time to celebrate

Persians celebrate Nowruz, their 3,000-year-old celebration of the spring equinox and first day of their new year – observed by doing a deep cleaning of their homes, celebrating a season of new life, and wishing all “good luck” in the new year ahead.

Christians celebrate Easter, their holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ – with the associated Easter bunny and eggs, ancient symbols of new life and rebirth.

Jews celebrate Passover, their eight-day holiday commemorating the freedom of the Hebrews from slavery in ancient Egypt and marking the birth of the Jewish people as a nation. Passover begins with a thorough, top-to-bottom cleaning of the house of all not-kosher for Passover food products.

We’re all slaves to the clutter in our head

This Head Clutter, identity issues, unnecessary beliefs, and opinions, defines us, but doesn’t help us grow our family, community, state, or country. Time to free ourselves of the burdens we lay upon ourselves. The things we serve or hold ourselves hostage to.

So, for each of us, springtime is the time to clean our mental house. We need to free ourselves, not be slaves to our Head Clutter. Our goals for the new year need to focus on finding worthy purpose and be in beneficial, supportive relationships with all the people within our sphere of life, friends, family, coworkers, etc.

All our Head Clutter robs us of our free will and free choice. If we always do and say the first thing that comes into our head, then we are slaves to our Head Clutter. How can you heal your relationships if you can’t see your relationships from a renewed and fresh perspective?

This spring take the Challenge (Action Step 6 in Only Human: Guide to our internal Human Operating System (iHOS) and Achieving a Better Life) and clean house. Start in your head and free yourself of the Head Clutter you’re a slave to. Take the first step on your path to a better life in the new year ahead.